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White Bambi Necklace
39.00 CHF - available 5

White Bambi Necklace

39.00 CHF - available 5


The children’s necklaces from Pirates & Ponies are bright, colourful and make you fall in love with them immediately. Every necklace is centred around a baby animal which will protect its new owner.

Material: wooden beads (sweat and saliva proof / FSC certified wood) magnetic latch, not suited for children under 3 years.

Pirates & Ponies: the jewellery collection of kindish
Handmade in Switzerland

1 to 2 working days

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Holzperlen (speichel- und schweissecht / FSC zertifiziertes Holz) Magnet-Schnappverschluss


White Bambi Necklace

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Das Lieblingstier als Begleiter. 🐘 🦌 🐧 🦊 🦄⁠

Unsere Pirates & Ponies Tierketten werden übrigens handgemacht in der Schweiz. Und sie bringen Glück, und machen glücklich.⁠

#piratesandponies #youareloved #animalnecklace #kidsjewellery #bambinecklace #unicornnecklace #kinderkette #kinderschmuck #weihnachtsgeschenk #geschenkidee #swissdesign #supportlocalbusiness #handmade #swissmade #swissonlineshop #klimaneutral #stadtlandkind #linkinbio
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