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GRIMM's rainbow festive ring
49.00 CHF - available 17

GRIMM's rainbow festive ring

49.00 CHF - available 17


Colorful and imaginative: The rainbow festive ring from GRIMM's brings bright colors to any celebration and inspires children and adults alike. With its twelve elements, it is not only perfect for the birthday table, but also as a small annual circle. The individual segments can be arranged flexibly in a circle, in wavy lines or individually. The holes can be decorated with candles, stick figures or a small vase of flowers to suit the occasion. The colors of the rainbow symbolize the diversity of life and invite you to celebrate special moments - full of joy, creativity and love. A rainbow that lights up hearts and rooms alike.

1 to 2 working days

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Lime wood glazed in color

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Diameter: 23cm, Attention! Decorative item! Not suitable for playing!

GRIMM's rainbow festive ring

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Der schöne Geburtstagsring 🎂 und die Steckfiguren 🍄🐿️ 🌲⭐ von Grimm's sind wieder da.⁠

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GRIMM's Steckfigur Osterglocke

CHF 14.00
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GRIMM's Steckfigur Hase sitzend

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