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GRIMM's festive ring small nature
29.00 CHF - available 27

GRIMM's festive ring small nature

29.00 CHF - available 27


Simple, natural and full of possibilities: The small festive ring from GRIMM's in natural wood is a perfect element to lovingly create personal celebrations. Decorate it with candles or matching figurines and let it become the centerpiece of your family table. Its natural look creates a calming atmosphere that raises awareness of mindfulness and simple beauty. The festive ring is not only suitable for the family table, but is also a wonderful way to celebrate birthdays in kindergarten or nursery. Every moment at the table becomes a moment of connection and sharing.

1 to 2 working days

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Lime wood

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Diameter 22cm, Attention! Decorative item! Not suitable for playing!

GRIMM's festive ring small nature

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🎂 Geburtstage sind immer besondere Anlässe, die wir in unseren Herzen und Erinnerungen bewahren.⁠

Wie schön ist es, eine dauerhafte Familientradition zu schaffen, die über die Generationen hinweg Bestand hat... 💫 Den Geburtstagsring von Grimm's kannst du⁠
mit Figuren und Kerzen dekorieren und zelebrierst so den wichtigen Tag des Geburtstagskindes auf ganz besondere Weise.⁠

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