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GRIMM's festive ring large natural
33.00 CHF - available 3

GRIMM's festive ring large natural

33.00 CHF - available 3


The large festive ring from GRIMM's made of natural wood is more than just a decoration - it invites you to celebrate special moments with your family. With its 16 holes, it offers space for candles or small figures that bathe the table in a magical light, such as the number plugs or the plug-in figures for the different seasons and holidays. Whether for birthdays, seasonal celebrations or simply a family meal - the festive ring creates an atmosphere full of warmth and security in which memories are made. A natural companion for celebrations that impresses with its simplicity and stimulates the imagination.

1 to 2 working days

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Lime wood

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Diameter: 30 cm, 4 quarter-circle arches with 4 holes each

GRIMM's festive ring large natural

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