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campfire life
19.00 CHF - available 8

campfire life

19.00 CHF - available 8


"The Art of Making a campfire"
It seems so simple: stack logs on top of each other, crumple up some newspapers and add some lighters. But how do you keep a fire burning? And what if you don't have a newspaper and some fire cubes?

In this book, you will find many tips and tricks to light a fire and keep it burning. In addition, you will discover the history of fire, receive a crash course in playing the ukulele and storytelling, an introduction to astronomy and delicious recipes for stick bread and real American s' mores. A book that is not only useful in the wilderness but also makes your own garden more sociable!

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Czech Republic

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14 x 19.5 x 1.3 cm, 128 pages

campfire life
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