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Kitchen for doll's house
70.00 CHF - available 9

Kitchen for doll's house

70.00 CHF - available 9


In the Maileg doll's house kitchen, every day is a culinary adventure. This is where the Maileg friends bake the most delicious treats, while the smell of freshly baked bread rolls wafts through the rooms. The oven doors can be opened - ready for the next feast. This charming miniature kitchen is not just a toy, but also a piece of nostalgia that inspires creative role play. Let this kitchen whisk you away to the magical world of Maileg, where every bite is prepared with love.

1 to 2 working days

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Height: 11cm

Kitchen for doll's house

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Endlich ist es wieder da - das schönste aller Puppenhäuser von PlanToys.⁠

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