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Fridge Mint
40.00 CHF - available 13

Fridge Mint

40.00 CHF - available 13


In the Maileg world, there is room for even the smallest details - like the stylish fridge in mint. It not only brings retro charm to every doll's house, but is also the perfect place to store the tasty provisions of the Maileg mice and bunnies. Whether for a summer picnic or a festive dinner - the fridge keeps everything fresh and delicious. The lovingly crafted details and authentic design make it an indispensable accessory in any Maileg doll's house. Discover how this little fridge can provide hours of playtime fun.

1 to 2 working days

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100% metal

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Height: 22 cm Width: 9 cm; Washing: Surface wash

Fridge Mint

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