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Mindfulness Diary French (12+ Edition)
39.90 CHF - available 6

Mindfulness Diary French (12+ Edition)
39.90 CHF - available 6
The Mindfulness Journal for children aged 12 and over - French edition. A gratitude journal is a scientifically recognized method to promote happiness. promote happiness. Our Teen Journal provides enough space for daily entries over a three-month period. It helps young people (and a … more
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High-quality, sustainably sourced paper (100 g/m²), adhesive flat binding 
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Das HappySelf Journal - das Achtsamkeits Tagebuch - gibt es jetzt auch für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren und auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch......
Le HappySelf Journal - le journal de gratitude et de pleine conscience - existe désormais aussi pour les jeunes à partir de 12 ans et en allemand, anglais et français.
The HappySelf Journal - the gratitude and mindfulness diary - is now also available for young people from 12 years and in German, English and French.
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