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Grapat bowls & acorns set
53.00 CHF - available 4

Grapat bowls & acorns set

53.00 CHF - available 4


The bowls and acorns set from Grapat is an enchanting autumnal combination that invites children to create natural scenes and creative mandalas. With six wooden bowls and matching acorns in warm earth tones, children can create imaginative landscapes, imitate nature and incorporate it into their stories. This set offers countless opportunities for free, creative play, whether by laying out patterns or collecting and sorting the acorns in the bowls. It not only promotes fine motor skills, but also invites children to rediscover the beauty of nature through play. Whether they use the shells for stacking, sorting or as a base for imaginative scenarios, this set combines nature experience with creative playtime fun and provides hours of discovery.

1 to 2 working days

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Not suitable for children under 12 months.

Grapat bowls & acorns set

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