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Mandala 36 Pineapples Grapat
20.00 CHF - available 12

Mandala 36 Pineapples Grapat

20.00 CHF - available 12


The Grapat mandala set "36 Pineapples" brings a touch of the exotic into play. These 36 small wooden pineapples in warm yellow and orange tones can be used as mandala elements, fruits for role-playing games or as counting material. They stimulate creative thinking and promote fine motor skills, while at the same time adding a tropical flair to the children's room. An ideal set for anyone who loves to play and immerse themselves in new worlds.

1 to 2 working days

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  • Ratings (1)
Pink, Purple



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36 pieces, not suitable for children under 36 months.

Mandala 36 Pineapples Grapat

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Mandala 36 Pineapples Grapat

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