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Book Le petit livre des jeux farfelus
24.00 CHF - available 5

Book Le petit livre des jeux farfelus

24.00 CHF - available 5


52 games, 0 screens and 0 boredom
Are your kids tired of playing hide-and-seek and wolf? With The Little Book of Wacky Games, here is a new way to have endless fun without a screen! The principle? 52 simple and wacky games that require little material: paper, tape, and everything you already have at home.

Each game is accompanied by comic book explanations, so that even the youngest children can have fun without the help of their parents. From competitive to cooperative games, indoors, outdoors or even on the road, there is something for everyone. Get your pencils ready... play!

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Czech Republic

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Age: from 8 years / ca. 128 pages, 17 x 24 cm/

Book Le petit livre des jeux farfelus
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