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Book Who actually invented school?
26.00 CHF - available 4

Book Who actually invented school?

26.00 CHF - available 4


Did prehistoric man attend school? Why do I have to do homework? Can you learn without going to school? And what do you really need to learn? Shoham Smith and Einat Tsarfati invite you on a learning journey to the (almost) most important place in your life. On this journey, you can learn with the children of prehistoric man, visit the school of ancient Greece, and find out how learning has changed with the Industrial Revolution and the Information Revolution of our time. Along the way, you'll also find answers to important questions like, "Who invented the sandwich?" and "What excuses did kids have in the past?", "Why do teachers get angry?" and "Why is it worth going to school (even if it's boring there sometimes)?".

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Age: from 6 years / 80 pages

Book Who actually invented school?
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