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OYOY Storage Toppu mini ø12.6 x 10 cm, Pink/Caramel
49.00 CHF - available 15

OYOY Storage Toppu mini ø12.6 x 10 cm, Pink/Caramel

49.00 CHF - available 15


Bowl for storage
The Toppu series consists of decorative design in ceramic, inspired by the trends of the time
The characteristic stripes have been developed into a whole range of unique products
Dimensions: ø12.6 x 10 cm (DxH)

1-2 working days
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Pink, Caramel

Ceramics, stoneware

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ø12.6 x 10 cm (DxH)

OYOY Storage Toppu mini ø12.6 x 10 cm, Pink/Caramel

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