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Bunny in bag Holly
33.00 CHF - available 3

Bunny in bag Holly

33.00 CHF - available 3


Holly, the cute rabbit, brings lots of fun and cuddles into the nursery with his soft bag! Maileg has lovingly designed Holly to make him the perfect companion for on the go. The little rabbit is easy to store in his pretty bag, which is decorated with dots. Whether as a sleeping companion, for traveling or just for cuddling ? Holly is always with you. An ideal gift for little explorers who want to conquer the world with their new, fluffy friend.

1 to 2 working days

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Outer: Linen / polyester, filling: recycled polyester / granules

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Height: 25 cm

Bunny in bag Holly

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Wer hoppelt denn da direkt in die schöne Tragetasche? Holly und Hopp sind nicht nur zu Ostern eine süsse Alternative zum Schokohasen. Wir versenden Geschenke übrigens auch mit Grusskarte an eine Adresse deiner Wahl.⁠

#mailegworld #mailegmouse #mailegtoys #danishtoys #kidstoys #kinderspielzeug #spielsachen #puppenstube #puppenhaus #geschenkidee #stadtlandkind #swissonlineshop #klimaneutral #homedelivery #geschenkideen #ostergeschenk #osterkorb #osterhase
Hase in Tasche Holly

Hase in Tasche Holly

CHF 33.00
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