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Teppich Azteca Natural-Vintage Blue / Natural - Azul Vintage - L
225.00 CHF - available 8

Teppich Azteca Natural-Vintage Blue / Natural - Azul Vintage - L

225.00 CHF - available 8


Natural color base with triangles and zigzags in yellow, pearl gray, dark gray and vintage blue and tassels in vintage blue.

3-4 working days
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Natural-Vintage Blue

Pile: 97% cotton 3% other fibers Bottom: recycled cotton


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200 x 140 cm

Teppich Azteca Natural-Vintage Blue / Natural - Azul Vintage - L

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Teppich Azteca Natural-Vintage Blue / Natural - Azul Vintage - L

Teppich Azteca Natural-Vintage Blue / Natural - Azul Vintage - L

CHF 225.00
Aufbewahrungskorb Triplet

Aufbewahrungskorb Triplet

CHF 69.00
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