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Hobbyhorse - gray
64.90 CHF - available 4

Hobbyhorse - gray

64.90 CHF - available 4


gray by ASTRUP hobby horse inspires imaginative riding adventures. Children can build their own courses and gallop through imaginary worlds with the horse, whether at home, on the road or in the school playground. The wooden companion is also a welcome guest at birthday parties with a very special flair. This toy encourages active play, promotes movement and boosts creativity at the same time. After its adventures, the horse can be groomed and stored in the separately available horse stable from by ASTRUP until the next ride.

3-4 working days
by external shipping partner

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Body surface and filling: polyester, wood: poplar

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68 cm, of which the wooden stick is 40 cm long

Hobbyhorse - gray

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🐴 Pferdefans aufgepasst: die schönen Steckenpferde und viel Zubehör aus Dänemark sind endlich wieder da! Danke für die tollen Fotos @marymerak!⁠

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