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Stapelstein pastel primary
110.00 CHF - available 12

Stapelstein pastel primary

110.00 CHF - available 12


The pastel primary Stapelstein set combines soft colors with creative play options. Children can do balancing exercises, create sorting games or build obstacle courses. Combined with the Wooby Board, a world full of joyful movement and imagination is created. The lightweight and waterproof elements are also suitable for mud games in summer or as a platform for sound games. Whether for the children's room, the garden or school - this set inspires children of all ages. A perfect addition for active families and a gift that will make eyes light up.

3-4 working days
by external shipping partner

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Light Red, Light Yellow, Light Blue

15 % recycled material from marine litter

Further information
No sharp corners, water-, saliva-, bite- and UV-resistant

Stapelstein pastel primary

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Stapelstein pastel secondary

Stapelstein pastel secondary

CHF 110.00
Stapelstein pastel primary

Stapelstein pastel primary

CHF 110.00
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