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Kaleio No. 11: Inventions
19.00 CHF - available 7

Kaleio No. 11: Inventions

19.00 CHF - available 7


Discover how to brainstorm ideas. Learn how to find the right people to implement your idea. And find out in which role you shine most in a team effort. Juliette tells you about her different school. Iris shows you how she shoots with a bow and arrow. Manon takes you on a tour of her life in Silicon Valley. And Carole explains why, as a doctor, it's important for her to research the female body.

Plus: Read about the accidental discovery of life-saving antibiotics. Sort your clothes the way a computer would. Build a water filter, experiment with flying eggs, and make a desk organizer. If you like, you can even dive into a futuristic dog mystery!

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Kaleio No. 11: Inventions
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