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Music Box Big Friend Whale Grey
120.00 CHF - available 2

Music Box Big Friend Whale Grey

120.00 CHF - available 2


The music box in large format is sure to become a loyal companion through the children's years, from the very first day. The little animal friend is cuddly soft and super friendly. The melody soothes and lets the baby glide gently into dreamland. The music box inside can be easily removed or replaced with the Velcro fastener. Melody: Brahms Lullaby.

1 to 2 working days

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Outer material: 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton Filling: Allergy-free Oeko-Tex polyester


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Music Box Big Friend Whale Grey

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Gute Nacht ihr Süssen. Die weichen Decken und Nuschis unseres Schweizer Labels Petit Stellou sind übrigens wieder da. Und ganz neu: die grossen Musikspieluhren aus GOTS zertifizierter Bio-Baumwolle.⁠

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