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Kaleio Nr. 13 Reaching for the stars (Französisch)
19.00 CHF - available 10

Kaleio Nr. 13 Reaching for the stars (Französisch)

19.00 CHF - available 10


If you close your eyes and think of the stars, what do you see?

A deep night studded with points of light? An astronaut floating next to a space station? Or something completely different, like a starfish lying on the sea floor? Maybe the word "stars" represents for you unattainable famous people? Or is it people who are close to you and shine like stars in the dark night? In this issue we will show you (among other things) how to touch the stars or give them to someone you care about. Enjoy reading this glowing KALEIO!

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Kaleio Nr. 13 Reaching for the stars (Französisch)
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