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Kaleio No. 14: What are hearts and likes?
19.00 CHF - available 10

Kaleio No. 14: What are hearts and likes?

19.00 CHF - available 10


To that you might say: These are the little pictures I use online to say I like something. They allow me to comment kindly on posts, videos or photos. Click, a heart. Click, a like. But what would a person who doesn't know the world of the Internet say. She would say: Hearts pump blood through bodies and beat faster when we are in love. And maybe layks are rare animals, a bit like lynxes. By the way, doesn't this word come from the English verb "like" which means "to love". Exactly! That's what it's all about: to love. To love and please. Expressing affection. And this issue of Kaleio invites you to do it in the real world! We love it!

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Kaleio No. 14: What are hearts and likes?
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