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Car seat AEROFIX 2.0 CC Mint
399.00 CHF - available 5

Car seat AEROFIX 2.0 CC Mint

399.00 CHF - available 5


We know that the absolute priority when choosing a child seat is safety. Avionaut AeroFIX 2.0 C car seat perfectly meets these expectations, because it has robust structure that absorbs much of the energy in a traffic accident. The cloud-soft Cloud Care System in the headrest memory foam has the same effect. It also absorbs the force of the impact and at the same time guarantees high seating comfort. The designers also provided necessary side protection, which is helpful in typical small collisions of the cars. And all this without lowering the comfort of your child the structure is as comfortable as possible, which is achieved the height adjustment of the headrest and harnesses, as well as the ability to change the angle of the seat. AeroFIX 2.0 C car seat also has ventilation channels that improve driving comfort, especially in the summer.

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Car seat AEROFIX 2.0 CC Mint
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