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Book The last one puts out the light
29.90 CHF - available 10

Book The last one puts out the light

29.90 CHF - available 10


Two crooks who divide a haul between them. A bachelor secretly stalking his neighbor. An old man handing out cakes. And in the middle of it all? a red-striped cat. When a trio of gangsters break into the building where all these characters live in search of a stolen urn, it becomes the scene of a macabre ballet. Fisticuffs, bullets and declarations of love are exchanged. In the style of a Tarantino film, this graphic novel combines black humor, absurd situations and a touch of self-reflection. Guided by stupidity, skewed morals, impulsiveness and a cascade of imponderables, the protagonists prove surprisingly vulnerable and ridiculous in the face of the inevitable end that awaits them.

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Witty and profound at the same time. Sophisticated and unique narrative structure. First graphic novel by this author, published in the Helvetiq collection.

Book The last one puts out the light
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