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18.00 CHF - available 9


18.00 CHF - available 9


It's raining. There are finger drawings on the fogged window panes. The players receive cards with different drawings. They are allowed to keep one of them, the others they pass on to their neighbour. After 9 cards there is a beautiful window in front of them, which now comes to life: The balloons rise, the cars drive and the drawings mix. Only the intact drawings earn points. The most beautiful drawing: a flower, but beware, the monster would love to pluck it out! Misty is a draft and programming game (you choose one card and pass the others on, at the end the cards are moved according to given rules). To win, the players must play tactically and with foresight and always keep an eye on the other players' windows.

5-6 working days
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6 Jahren / Dauer 20 Minuten / 2-4 Spieler

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