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Trauffer hare standing
14.00 CHF - available 10

Trauffer hare standing

14.00 CHF - available 10


Well, what's going on over there? If this rabbit isn't curious...? But of course, there's always a lot going on on the farm! With its black spots, it is pretty to look at and yet robust to play with. Perfect for any children's room or as a traditional yet trendy decoration.

100% Swiss. 100% sustainable. 100% quality.

3-4 working days
by external shipping partner

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100% FSC certified Swiss wood

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6 x 4 x 1.6 cm

Trauffer hare standing

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✨ November-Kalender Tür 6 ✨⁠
Wir verschenken im November jeden Tag ein bisschen Freude!⁠

Heute verschenken wir zwei der süssen Kaninchenställe inkl. 3 Kaninchen unseres Schweizer Labels Trauffer! Hinterlasse ein 🐇 im Kommentar und markiere jemanden, der sich ebenfalls über dieses schöne Holzspielzeug made in Switzerland freuen würde. ⁠
Aujourd'hui, nous offrons deux des doux clapiers à lapins, dont trois lapins de notre label suisse Trauffer ! Laissez un 🐇 dans le commentaire et marquez quelqu'un qui serait également heureux de ce magnifique jouet en bois fabriqué en Suisse. ⁠
Today we are giving away two of the sweet rabbit hutch including 3 rabbits from our Swiss label Trauffer! Leave an 🐇 in the comment and mark someone who would also be happy about this beautiful wooden toy made in Switzerland. ⁠

#novemberkalender #slkkalender #slklovesyou #traufferholzspielwaren #swissmade #madeinswitzerland #supportlocalbu
Trauffer Hase sitzend

Trauffer Hase sitzend

CHF 14.00
Trauffer Hase stehend

Trauffer Hase stehend

CHF 14.00
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