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SwissIQ History
30.00 CHF - available 7

SwissIQ History

30.00 CHF - available 7


The quiz game with 400 questions about Switzerland

Who or what exploded on 1 August 2007 on the Rütliwiese?
What sweet profession did many young people from Graubünden practise throughout Europe until the 19th century?
After which Federal Council is the olive green turtleneck sweater of the army named? And when did the last civil war take place in Switzerland?
SwissIQ History is the perfect game for people interested in history.
From Helvetia to Napoleon to the first Swiss in space, this game will have you discover fascinating anecdotes and Get to know the facts.

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ab 12 Jahren/ 2-12 Spieler/ 45 Minuten

SwissIQ History
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