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Fanny pack WDR duck
34.90 CHF - available 18

Fanny pack WDR duck

34.90 CHF - available 18


The Affenzahn WDR Duck bum bag brings a good mood to every adventure and is ideal for little duck fans who always want to have their treasures to hand. The cheerful duck face and the practical zipper make the bag the perfect companion for outings, the playground or kindergarten. The spacious compartment has room for small snacks, handkerchiefs or favorite toys. Thanks to the adjustable strap, the bag is comfortable to carry - whether around the hips or across the shoulder. A cheerful companion for every day!

3-4 working days
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Textiles made from 50% recycled PET bottles


Fanny pack WDR duck

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Die fröhlichen Bauchtaschen aka Hip-Bags 🐼🐯🐻🦄🐧 von Affenzahn sind aus recycelten PET Flaschen hergestellt und sind praktische Begleiter für Reisen, Ferien, Ausflüge und ausserdem total süüüüüüss, oder?⁠

#affenzahn #recycled #hipbag #sustainablekidsbag #affenzahnbauchtasche #kinderbauchtasche #nachhaltigleben #nachhaltigeinkaufen #recycelt #stadtlandkind #swissonlineshop #schweizeronlineshop #affenzahnschweiz #linkinbio
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