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Wooden mug with lid Natural 6 pieces Grapat
29.00 CHF - available 11

Wooden mug with lid Natural 6 pieces Grapat

29.00 CHF - available 11


The Grapat wooden cups with lids in natural offer versatile play options and are ideal for children of all ages. Whether for storing small treasures, for stacking or as part of a role-playing game - the cups stimulate the imagination and invite creative play. Children at different stages of development can play with the 6 cups: For toddlers, they offer exciting discovery and sensory play. In later stages, they promote logical-mathematical thinking as children use them to classify, organize and group. A simple yet versatile toy that opens up new play opportunities for many years to come.

1 to 2 working days

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Not suitable for children under 10 months. Dimensions: 60mm high, 48mm diameter

Wooden mug with lid Natural 6 pieces Grapat

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