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Bowl set Rainbow 12 pieces Grapat
44.00 CHF - available 7

Bowl set Rainbow 12 pieces Grapat

44.00 CHF - available 7


The "Rainbow bowl set" from Grapat consists of 12 handmade wooden bowls in bright rainbow colors that encourage children to play in a variety of ways. Whether stacked, sorted or integrated into creative play worlds - the bowls offer endless possibilities for imaginative play. They not only promote fine motor skills and spatial thinking, but also serve as a wonderful decorative element in the children's room. Children can use them to collect little treasures, create colorful patterns or incorporate them into their role-playing games. This versatile set is not only functional, but also an aesthetic highlight that enriches both play and the environment with its bright colors and natural wood look.

1 to 2 working days

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Rainbow colors



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Not suitable for children under 18 months.

Bowl set Rainbow 12 pieces Grapat

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