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Mandala 36 Fire Grapat
20.00 CHF - available 14

Mandala 36 Fire Grapat

20.00 CHF - available 14


With the Grapat Mandala Fire Set, children can create fiery landscapes and artistic patterns. The 36 wooden pieces in warm red tones symbolize flames and sparks that become vivid pictures in creative hands. This set not only stimulates the imagination, but also promotes an understanding of shapes and colors. An ideal toy to introduce children to the calming power of mindful play and at the same time sensitize them to the beauty of nature.

1 to 2 working days

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Not suitable for children under 36 months.

Mandala 36 Fire Grapat

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🟣🟡🔵🟢 Wieder an Lager: die tollen Mandala Figuren von Gratpat 🟣🟡🔵🟢⁠

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Mandala 36 Schneeflocken Grapat

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