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Stapelstein pink
37.00 CHF - available 22

Stapelstein pink

37.00 CHF - available 22


The pink Stapelstein impresses with its versatility. Children can use it to sort colors and patterns, learn numbers or use it in throwing and catching games that promote dexterity. It can also be used as a seat that can be individually adjusted. In summer, it is perfect for sand and mud games, while in winter it transforms the children's room into an imaginative play world. In combination with the Wooby, creative movement landscapes are created that stimulate all the senses. An ideal gift that combines movement and learning in a playful way.

3-4 working days
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Expanded polypropylene


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Water-, saliva-, bite- and UV-resistant. Suitable for outdoor use. 100 % recyclable. Individual weight: 180 g / Max. Load: 180 kg / Recommended age: From 1 year / Dimensions: Diameter = 27.5 cm, height = 12 cm

Stapelstein pink
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