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Hobbyhorse - brown
64.90 CHF - available 7

Hobbyhorse - brown

64.90 CHF - available 7


The brown by ASTRUP hobby horse impresses with its soft plush mane and robust wooden finish. It offers a variety of possibilities for creative role play, whether it's jumping over obstacles at a hobby horsing competition in the countryside or being lovingly stroked after a ride in the children's room. This hobby horse playfully encourages movement and the development of a child's imagination. It feels particularly at home in the horse box, also available separately from ASTRUP, and is always ready for the next adventure.

3-4 working days
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Body surface and filling: polyester, wood: poplar

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68 cm, of which the wooden stick is 40 cm long

Hobbyhorse - brown

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🐴 Pferdefans aufgepasst: die schönen Steckenpferde und viel Zubehör aus Dänemark sind endlich wieder da!⁠

Danke für das hübsche Foto liebe Isabelle @miniundstil⁠

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