In our online store you will find a wide selection of cool backpacks and satchels for the upcoming school season. Our bags are not only practical, but also a real eye-catcher. Especially popular are the funny animal bags from Affenzahn. They not only look cool, but are also made in an environmentally friendly way. The bags are produced from recycled PET bottles and carry the renowned Bluesign certificate. So you can be sure that they are free of harmful substances.
Sticky Lemon's colorful bags and backpacks also have their own unique charm. Whether it's colorful, plaid or other exciting patterns, you'll find a great selection here. The backpacks can be wonderfully combined with a plain outfit or used as a splash of color in a beautiful color combination.
Our bags and backpacks are not only functional, but also high quality workmanship. They offer enough space for school books, notebooks and other utensils that your children need for the school day. With a cool backpack or satchel from our range, they are well equipped and guaranteed to make an impression at school. What are you waiting for? Find the perfect companion for your kids in our online store now