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Book Encyclopedia of the Elements
29.90 CHF - available 10

Book Encyclopedia of the Elements

29.90 CHF - available 10


An illustrated guide to learn all about the 118 known elements. Which foods contain calcium? What is bismuth? What are the properties of helium? What is cobalt used for? What is the world made of? The title lets young and young-at-heart science enthusiasts discover all 118 known elements. Each element and its properties are described in simple terms and their importance and uses are illustrated using everyday objects. Children are also introduced to the basics of chemistry and get to know some of its most prominent representatives. A fold-out periodic table and explanations of how to read it make this book a must for anyone who wants to know more about the world and its individual building blocks.

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An easy and comprehensive walk through the periodic table - with illustrated overviews of each of the 118 known elements - with everyday examples - fold-out periodic table

Book Encyclopedia of the Elements
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