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Lamp Miffy XL
239.00 CHF - available 4

Lamp Miffy XL

239.00 CHF - available 4


The iconic Miffy XL lamp brings the well-known rabbit design into your home in an impressive size. With its soft, dimmable LED light, it creates a calming atmosphere - perfect for large children's rooms or cozy living spaces. The high-quality workmanship and sustainable material make it a long-lasting light source. Its timeless design makes the Miffy XL lamp not only functional, but also an exceptional decorative piece. An ideal choice for design lovers and Miffy fans of all ages.

1 to 2 working days

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Size: 40x40x80 cm

Lamp Miffy XL

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Unsere Miffy Lampen sind wieder in allen Grössen da. Sie bringen ein beruhigendes Licht ins Kinderzimmer und begleiten beim Einschlafen. Eine schöne Geschenkidee für kleine und grosse Kinder.⁠

#mrmaria #miffylamp #miffylight #miffynightlight #miffylove #miffyfirstlight #kinderlampe #nachtlicht #kinderzimmer #einschlafhilfe #kinderlampe #swissonlineshopping #schweizeronlineshop #stadtlandkind #klimaneutral
Lampe Miffy First Light

Lampe Miffy First Light

CHF 86.00
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