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Book Flat Switzerland
29.00 CHF - verfügbar 10

Book Flat Switzerland

29.00 CHF - verfügbar 10


Flat Switzerland: A fun cycling guide - Finally, a cycling guide for people who love to relax and enjoy the ride. All of these 33 day trips are flat or downhill (with a few gentle rises hereand there): leisurely pedaling along rivers, picnic stops at spectacular lakes, cruising descents through verdant valleys.

Every Swiss region is included in this lushly-photographed and diverse book, from the Engadin to Ticino, the Swiss Plateau to the lakes of French-speaking Switzerland - even the most mountainous regions are here, with gradual downhill routes. This guide gives you the time to really take in the sights Switzerland is famous for.

Swiss-Canadian writer Katrin Gygax has been biking since she sat on the saddle of her brother's orange bike at age 9. She rode up and down the hills of West Vancouver, where she grew up, and later across Europe with equal motivation. Since 2009, she's been doing a flatland Tour de Suisse every summer. These are her favorite routes. Katrin is also the author of Today's Office Looks Like This. 60 unconventional workspaces in Switzerland

33 day routes in every region of Switzerland: mountains, lakes and gentle valleys.

Each route includes swimming, refreshment and sightseeing highlights.

Each route starts and ends at a SBB station, and many routes can bedone in sequence as multi-day tours.

Easy-to-understand icons help families, beginners, couples and the adventurous choose their next relaxing escape.

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236 Seiten

Book Flat Switzerland


Helvetiq entstand 2008 mit einem Spiel über die Schweiz. Hadi Barkat, der Gründer von Helvetiq, bereitete sich nämlich gerade auf seinen Einbürgerungstest vor und fragte seine Schweizer Freunde viele Fragen über die Schweiz. Doch die wussten weniger als sie dachten und so ist die Idee für das erste Helvetiq Spiel entstanden, das heute ein Klassiker ist. Ab sofort findest du die spannenden, lehrreichen, lustigen und unterhaltsamen Spiele und Bücher bei Stadtlandkind.

Zur Kollektion von Helvetiq


CHF 8.00 (Economy), CHF 9.50 (Priority)
Schweiz & Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Versandkostenfrei ab Warenwert CHF 150.00
Book Flat Switzerland

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Book Flat Switzerland

Book Flat Switzerland

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